Visiting Scholar

Prof. Peter Arbo at the Institute of Sociology

Veröffentlicht am: Donnerstag, 09. Januar 2014, 11:27 Uhr (14010901)

During the winter semester and until the end of May 2014, Peter Arbo is visiting scholar at the Institute of Sociology at the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main. Peter Arbo is professor at the University of Tromsø – The Arctic University of Norway. His main fields of research are industrial development and organization, natural resource management, ocean governance, and the transformations of the Arctic. In his research, he particularly addresses the relationship between science, technology, policy and society.

Peter Arbo has been head of the research group on Marine Resource Management and Industrial Development at the Norwegian College of Fishery Science, and he chairs the research program on Democracy, Governance and Regionality in the Research Council of Norway. Currently, he is involved in research projects focusing on, among other things, Arctic oil and gas development, innovations in the seafood industry, the interplay between universities and regions, and mergers in higher education.

Peter Arbo has come to the Goethe University Frankfurt am Main to extend his research collaboration, participate in the academic community, and gain new insights. At the Institute of Sociology he is cooperating with Birgit Blättel-Mink, Thomas Lemke, Susanne Bauer, Diana Hummel, Endre Dányi and others. Peter Arbo has during the first few months of his stay given three guest lectures in connection with different courses and seminars. The topics have been: “Facing the vagaries of the sea: The responsibilization of Norwegian fishermen”, “The development of integrated marine governance”, and “Numbers and ordering of a natural gas megaproject”. He will also have other guest lectures during spring 2014. Peter Arbo is located in office 03.G047 and can be reached on