Vorträge im Rahmen der Angela Davis Gastprofessur

von Chandra Talpade Mohanty// 12.12 und 16.12

Veröffentlicht am: Mittwoch, 25. November 2015, 12:17 Uhr (2015112501)


12. Dezember 2015

Wars, Walls, Borders: Anatomies of Violence and Postcolonial Feminist Critique

18-20h, Campus Westend, Casino 1.801

This lecture offers a postcolonial, anti-imperialist feminist critique that connects struggles for liberation across different geographies and develops a vision for transnational feminist praxis and solidarity work. Three securitized regimes are examined: the USA, Israel, and India, and three specific geopolitical sites: the US/Mexico, Israel/ Palestine and India/Kashmir as zones of normalized violence. I will argue that at these sites, neoliberal and militarized state and imperial practices are often sustained by development/peace-keeping/humanitarian projects, thus illuminating the new contours of securitized states that function as imperial democracies.


16. Dezember 2015

Neoliberal Projects, Insurgent Knowledges, and Pedagogies of Dissent

18-20h, Campus Westend, Casino 1.801

Inspired by a vision of insurgent knowledge and pedagogies of dissent this lecture reflects on the current landscape of the neoliberal, punitive, militarized, carceral racist and hetronormative US State and the cultural workings of neoliberal governmentalities. Examines current anti-racist rebellions in response to police violence that center Black lives and offers an analysis of how these constitute both insurgent knowledges and encode radical pedagogies.