Friday 22 January 2016

Veröffentlicht am: Dienstag, 19. Januar 2016, 11:37 Uhr (2016012001)

Workshop with Chris Armstrong on his book manuscript: Justice and Natural Resources: An Egalitarian Theory (forthcoming in Oxford University Press).

With: Chris Armstrong (University of Southampton), Ayelet Banai (University of Haifa), Daniel Callies (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Ian Carter (University of Pavia), Anca Gheaus (University of Sheffield), Eszter Kollár (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Darrel Moellendorf (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Merten Reglitz (Goethe-University Frankfurt).

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", 501
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Registration required:

About the book:

Natural resources are an important sources of advantage, and their fair distribution - and, in many cases, their conservation - poses formidable practical and philosophical challenges. This book provides a systematic philosophical account of natural resource justice, and illustrates some of its implications. It has three main goals. First, it offers a conceptual account of natural resources, the rights we might have over them, and the grounds and content of the special claims with which some of us might be able to make over them. Second, it defends an egalitarian approach to questions of natural resource justice, and draws out some of its implications. Third, it offers a critique of the contemporary regime of state sovereignty over resources, and sketches a set of proposals for advancing greater equality. It assesses the progressive potential of reforms to the resource trade, and global taxes on natural resources; examines the challenge of fairly sharing the oceans' resources; and addresses how we might justly distribute the burdens of conserving key resources such as rainforests, and / or leaving fossil fuels unexploited.