Gendering (In)formal Social Protection: Gender, Migration and Resistance

Summer School I 18-23 June 2017 I Goethe University

Veröffentlicht am: Donnerstag, 09. März 2017, 15:40 Uhr (09-01)

Goethe University Frankfurt, GRADE Center Gender | Cornelia Goethe Center for Women’s and Gender Studies

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Anna Amelina, Prof. Dr. Helma Lutz, Dr. Ewa Palenga-Möllenbeck

In recent years, research on transnational social protection has been vividly discussed in migration research, studies on welfare, care and transnational families. These debates include concepts of care/social reproduction, global care chains and care circulation, gendered welfare  regimes and global economy of care; their focus is/was on the role of migrants as both caregivers and care receivers. Many of these concepts touch the aspects of formality and informality in the provision of social protection and care, and employ a feminist perspective. Taking these debates as the starting point, the aim of the Summer School is to bring together junior and senior researchers, to discuss and to stimulate a dialogue between researchers whose research focus is on formal and informal aspects of social protection and care in the context of gender relations. In essence, the talks and presentations at the Summer School will address three main questions:

  • What are the effects of (in)formal social protection on mobility and the living/working conditions of migrants and their families?
  • How can we conceptualize and analyze migrants as welfare givers and welfare receivers?
  • How are social inequalities shaped and reproduced by access to and use of social protection in transnational contexts?

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