Gilles Kepel: The Jihad out of the Banlieues

25.04.2017 | 18.15 Uhr | Campus Westend, Hörsaalzentrum, HZ8

Veröffentlicht am: Montag, 24. April 2017, 09:56 Uhr (24-01)


Gilles Kepel

The Jihad out of the Banlieues

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Hörsaalzentrum, HZ8
Frankfurt am Main

For years, the Sociologist Gilles Kepel has been analysing Islamist terrorism and its political and social roots. In his recently published book “La Fracture” (not yet translated into English), he outlines that, in his view, increasing Islamist violence and provocation aims at plunging society into a civil war. Jihadists therefore attempt to win Muslims who feel increasingly cornered by allegedly growing Islamophobia in society. Prof. Kepel further illustrates the context and advocates the commitment of informed citizens in order to avoid their entanglement into this “fake” confrontation.

Presented by:
Cluster of Excellence "The Formation of Normative Orders"