
My main interest is in places and material practices associated with democratic politics. Strongly inspired by Science and Technology Studies (STS), my PhD was an ethnographic analysis of the Hungarian Parliament – both as an abstract institution and as a historically specific socio-technical apparatus. As a postdoc, I then conducted a series of research projects focusing on situations where parliamentary politics breaks down or reaches its limits. More concretely, I looked a hunger strike of illegal immigrants in Brussels, harm reduction programmes in Lisbon and Budapest, and a series of Indigenous initiatives in northern Australia to better understand modes of doing politics that operate between hope and despair. In my habilitation, which I’m planning to finish in 2021, I collectively refer to these modes as ‘melancholy democracy’.

For more information about the research projects and publications please visit my ResearchGate ( and ( sites.


Dr. Endre Dányi

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Fachbereich 03 Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Soziologie
Schwerpunkt Biotechnologie,
Natur und Gesellschaft

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
Campus-Westend – PEG-Gebäude
Raum 3.G 022
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Campus Westend
PEG - Hauspostfach 31
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. +49 69 798 36667


Office Management

Angelika Boese
Raum PEG 3.G 030
Tel. +49 69 798 36518