Sociology of Economics, Work, and Organizations


The “Sociology of Economics, Work, and Organizations" research unit is dedicated to fundamental and current social science research and teaching embedded in the complementary fields of economic sociology and sociology of work and organizations. We cover, for example, social theory on the social and institutional principles of economic processes, perspectives on institutional and social dynamics of financial and labour markets, processes of sustainable economic development and their cultural, moral and political considerations, technological and social innovation processes, entrepreneurship, and consumption. We investigate the transformation of work, changing production conditions, social inequalities at work including gendered work, diversity and precarity, links between work and private life, careers, professions and professionalization. Additionally, our research and teaching are concerned with the management and transformation of private and public enterprises as well as the dynamics of social networks.  Where possible and useful, we adopt an internationally comparative historical and/or life course perspective.

From a theoretical standpoint, we take a range of approaches: structuralist market and network theories, practice theory concepts to understand economic action, institutionalist approaches for comparative capitalism and innovation systems research, social-constructivist market and technology analyses as well as sociological theories of subjectification, recognition and critique. Our broad methodical spectrum ranges from quantitative empirical social research to network analysis to qualitative methods of reconstructive social research.

Spokesperson:  Prof. Heather Hofmeister, Ph.D.