Doctoral Degree Certificate

Doctoral Degree Certificate


The doctoral degree certificate is issued by the Examination Office for Humanities, Cultural Studies and Sport Sciences. You will receive your doctoral degree certificate if you bring the following documents with you:

  • Revision certificate (original): signed by the supervisor
  • Publishing contract (a copy is also acceptable): the deposit copies are submitted after printing


  • In the case of publication via (private) printing: deposit copies of the thesis

IMPORTANT! The doctoral candidate is not authorised to use the doctor title until after receipt of the doctoral degree certificate. The Doctoral Regulations do not provide for the “Dr. dess." title.

© Uwe Dettmar, Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Important Information

Submission Dates

The Submission Dates for all applications are 15.01., 15.03., 15.06. and 15.09. each year. You will receive the decision approximately six weeks later.

Simone Milla

Room:  2.G152

Tel: (069) 798-36568


Dean's Office Department of Social Sciences

PEG Building

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6  

60323 Frankfurt am Main

Open consultation hours:

Mondays and Wednesdays 10:00-12:00 or with individual appointment

GRADE, the Goethe Graduate Adacemy for Early Career Researchers, offers you a comprehensive qualification program and various other support opportunities for your research, career and personal development.

Further information / registration: