Elsa Müller, B.A.

Student Assistant

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Department of Social Sciences
Institute for Sociology

E-mail: E.Mueller@em.uni-frankfurt.de


Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl writes a Post for the LSE-Blog about „How the cashless revolution worsens inequality“

› Go to blog post


Barbara Brandl writes for the e-fin blog about the connection between the digitalisation of money and social inequality.

› Go to blog post (German)


The article The challenges of assets: Anatomy of an economic form by Ute Tellmann, Veit Braun and Barbara Brandl was published in Economy and Society. 

› Go to article


The Socio-Economic Review publishes the article Small money, large profits: how the cashless revolution aggravates social inequality (Brandl, Hengsbach & Moreno, 2024).

› Go to the article


Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl spoke at  Finance Watch's event The Digital Euro: Steps to Success (October 25th, 2023) on the topic 'The Digital Euro: What For and Why Now'. 

› Go to the event


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Prof. Dr. Barbara Brandl

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Department of Social Sciences 03
Institute for Sociology

Chair of Sociology with a Focus on Organization and Economy

Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6
60629 Frankfurt am Main

Room 3.G 080
Phone 069 798-36597


Office Hours

During the summer semester 2024, office hours will take place on the following days:

22.4., 6.5., 13.5., 3.6., 17.6., 24.6.

each at 9.30 a.m. via Zoom. 

If you want to come to the office hours, please confirm via email with Doreen Molnar (Molnar@soz.uni-frankfurt.de). She will then send you the Zoom link.