International Conference

Transitions in the life course I 26th - 28th of April 2017 I Goethe University

Veröffentlicht am: Montag, 16. Januar 2017, 11:20 Uhr (20170101)

Transitions in the Life Course
What do we know and what does it mean?

Aims and objectives

After the classical anthropological studies on rites de passage, transitions in the life course have been constantly on the research agenda since the 1980s. Flexibilisation of work, limitations of welfare states, changes of family structures and gender roles as well as longer life have contributed to a de-standardisation of the institutionalised life course. In consequence, transitions between life stages have become more uncertain and risky. For a long time, primarily transitions between youth and adulthood have been addressed. Increasingly, however, transi-tions from early childhood to very old age and with regard to diverse situations, institutions and spheres of life are in the focus....

For more information look here (pdf)
