BA and MA Theses

Jonas Wolff primarily supervises BA and MA theses on the following topics:

- Political regimes and political transformation processes in Latin America

- Social movements, contentious politics and state-society relations in Latin America

- Peace and peace processes, social conflicts as well as political dynamics of violence in Latin America

- Latin American regional and international relations

BA and MA theses without a focus on Latin America will only be supervised in exceptional cases and only if they are in line with Jonas Wolff's research interests.

Please contact Jonas Wolff ( and let him know what topic you would like to address as well as the time period in which the thesis is to be written. As long as he still has capacities, he will then confirm whether he can supervise your thesis. For a first meeting in his office hour, please prepare a short outline of the research design of your planned project and send it to him some days before the first meeting. His office hour is Mondays, 11-12 am in his office (Normative Orders, Room 2.13). For an appointment, please contact

If you are looking for a second supervisor, please contact Jonas Wolff by e-mail (


Prof. Dr. Jonas Wolff

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
Faculty of Social Sciences 
Institute of Political Science

Building "Normative Orders"

Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Room 2.13


Administration Office:

Franziska Kasten
Raum 3.G179
Phone +49 69 798 36690
