
In den meisten meiner Arbeiten und zwei Büchern über Klimagerechtigkeit ging es darum, die Bedeutung der globalen Armut für das Verständnis des Problems zu verdeutlichen. Ich habe ein Anti-Armuts-Prinzip verteidigt, das besagt, dass die Feststellung eines gefährlichen Klimawandels ein normatives Urteil darüber beinhaltet, was wir vernünftigerweise vermeiden sollten. Dazu gehört auch die Verlängerung oder Schaffung von unfreiwilliger Armut. Außerdem habe ich ein Recht auf die Förderung nachhaltiger Entwicklung verteidigt, das ich als ein Freiheitsrecht der Staaten interpretiere, im Rahmen der internationalen Zusammenarbeit zur Abschwächung des Klimawandels eine die Armut beseitigende menschliche Entwicklung anzustreben. Und ich habe eine Pro-Armen-Formel verteidigt, die besagt, dass die Anpassungspolitik den Klimawandel-Projekten auf der Grundlage von drei Faktoren Priorität einräumen sollte: Wirksamkeit, Anzahl der zu schützenden armen Menschen und Ausmaß ihrer Armut. In Mobilizing Hope argumentiere ich, dass sowohl der von Jugendlichen angeführte Klima Aktivismus als auch die Entwicklungen auf dem Markt für erneuerbare Energien Anlass zur Hoffnung geben, dass die Macht der fossilen Industrie gebrochen und die Erwärmung des Planeten innerhalb international akzeptierter Grenzen gehalten werden kann.


The global climate crisis and other pressures on planetary ecology cause profound anxieties for humanity. Climate change threatens to trap hundreds of millions of people in dire poverty-widening the gap in an already deeply divided economy. However, a new generation of activists is offering inspiration, raising hopes in a seemingly hopeless situation.

In Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty, Darrel Moellendorf discusses climate change, global poverty, justice, and the importance of political responses, both internationally and domestically, that offer hope. While there are reasons to worry that the era of pervasive human planetary impact, the Anthropocene, could produce terrible global injustices and massive environmental destruction, that need not be so. Moellendorf contends that the work of bringing about a world united in creating sustainable solutions to environmental crises, that values the Earth's natural wonders, and actualizes a vision of economic justice, is the work of mobilizing hope.
This book examines the threat that climate change poses to projects of poverty eradication, sustainable development, and biodiversity preservation. It discusses the values that support these projects and evaluates the normative bases of climate change policy. It regards climate change policy as a public problem that normative philosophy can shed light on and assumes that the development of policy should be based on values regarding what is important to respect, preserve, and protect.

What sort of policy do we owe the poor of the world who are particularly vulnerable to climate change? Why should our generation take on the burden of mitigating climate change caused, in no small part, by emissions from people now dead? What value is lost when species go extinct, because of climate change? This book presents a broad and inclusive discussion of climate change policy, relevant to those with interests in public policy, development studies, environmental studies, political theory, and moral and political philosophy.

Weitere Artikel und Kapitel

Climate Change, Policy, and Justice" in Birgit Blättel-Mink ed., Nachhaltige Entwicklung in einer Gesellschaftes Umbruchs Springer Verlag, October 2021.

Assessing Climate Policies: Catastrophe Avoidance and the Right to Sustainable Development" Politics, Philosophy, and Economics. Co-author Daniel Callies, Volume 20 Issue 2, May 2021, 33-45.

Ethical Choices behind Quantifications of Fair Contributions under the Paris Agreement," Nature Climate Change 11, 2021, 300-305. Co-authors Siva Kartha, Tom Athansiou, Simon Caney, Elizabeth Cripps, Kate Dooley, Vroz K. Dubash, Teng Fei, Paul G. Harris, Christian Holz, Bård Lahn, Benito Müller, J. Timmons Roberts, Ambuj Sagar, Henry Shue, Peter Singer, and Harald Winkler.

Three Interpretations of the Anthropocene: Hope and Anxiety at the End of Nature" Ethics, Politics, and Society, 3, 2020.

Responsibility for Increasing Mitigation Ambition in Light of the Right to Sustainable Development" Fudan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 13, 2020, 181-192.

“Distributive Justice and Climate Change Economics, " Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltforschung, 2020. Heft 1. Co-author Axel Schaffer and Sebastian Brun.

The Cry of the Earth and The Cry of the Poor," in Robert McKim ed. Laudatory Si and The Environment: Pope Francis' Green Encyclical (London: Routledge, 2019).

“Development and Climate Ethics" in Anabelle Lever and Andrei Paoma, eds. The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy (London: Routledge, 2018).

“Justice in Mitigation After Paris," in Colleen Murphy, Pablo Gandoni, and Robert McKim, eds. Climate Change and Its Impacts: Risks and Inequalities (New York: Springer, 2018).

“Cascading Biases against Poorer Countries," letter, Nature Climate Change 8, 2018, 348-349. Co-authors Siva Kartha, Tom Athansiou, Simon Caney, Elizabeth Cripps, Kate Dooley, Vroz K. Dubash, Teng Fei, Paul G. Harris, Christian Holz, Bård Lahn, Benito Müller, J. Timmons Roberts, Ambuj Sagar, Henry Shue, Peter Singer, and Harald Winkler.

“Justice and Climate Change" in Jonathan Wolff, ed. Readings in Moral Philosophy (New York: W.W. Norton & Co., 2017).

“Progress, Destruction, and the Anthropocene", Social Philosophy and Policy, 34:2, 2017, 66-88.

“An Intergenerationally Fair Path to 2ºC", Climatic Change, 143:3, 2017, 213-226. Co-Author Axel Schaffer.

“Equalizing the Intergenerational Burdens of Climate Change — An Alternative to Discounted Utilitarianism" Midwest Studies in Philosophy XL, 2016, 43-62. Co-Author Axel Schaffer.

Taking UNFCCC Norms Seriously" in Dominic Roser and Jennifer Heyward eds. Climate Change and Non-Ideal Theory, Oxford University Press, 2016, 104-124.

Can Dangerous Climate Change Be Avoided," Global Justice Theory Practice Rhetoric 8 2016.

Climate Change Justice," Philosophy Compass, online, March 2015, 173-186.

“Beyond Discounted Utilitarianism — Just Distribution of Climate Costs," Karlsruher Beitäge zur Wirtschaftspolitischen Forschung34, 2014, 185-203. Co-author Axel Schaffer.

“Responsibility and the Right to Sustainable Development in Climate Change Treaty Deliberations" in Marcello Di Paola and Gianfranco Pellegrino eds. Canned Heat: The Ethics and Politics of Climate Change, Routledge, forthcoming 2014.

“Climate Change and Global Justice," WIREs Climate Change, on line, Feb. 1, 2012.

A Normative Account of Dangerous Climate Change," Climatic Change, 108:1, 2011, 57-72.

“A Right to Sustainable Development," The Monist, 94:3, July 2011, 433-452.

Common Atmospheric Ownership and Equal Emissions Entitlements," in Denis Arnold ed. The Ethics of Global Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, 2011, 104-123.

“Treaty Norms and Climate Change Mitigation," Ethics and International Affairs, 23:3, Fall 2009, 247-265. Also available on line at http://www.cceia.org/resources/journal/23_3/features/001

“Justice and the Intergenerational Assignment of the Costs of Climate Change," Journal of Social Philosophy, 40:2, 2009, 204-224. 

“Equal Natural Rights to Property and Climate Change," for the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation, 2007 (nicht peer-reviewed).

Zeitungsartikel und Interviews

Interviewed about geo-engineering on “These Days" KPBS radio show. Available on line at http://www.kpbs.org/news/2010/sep/29/ethics-forum-should-we-use-technology-fight-global/.

“The Ethics of Geo-engineering," Ch. 6 TV, the CW, Morning News, San Diego, Oct. 4, 2010.

“Should We Use Technology to Fight Global Warming," These Days, KPBS radio, Sept. 29, 2010.

“Limping towards Cancun," Dissent on-line edition, May 2010. Available on line at      http://www.dissentmagazine.org/online.php?id=359.

Interviewed about the climate change negotiations in Copenhagen for Ethics and International Affairs, March 2010. Podcast available on line at http://www.cceia.org/resources/audio/data/000452#.

Curbing Carbon, Sustaining Development: The Tensions in Climate Change Mitigation" Dissent on-line edition, December 2009. Available on line at http://www.dissentmagazine.org/online.php?keyword=+Darrel+Moellendorf