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Akademischer Werdegang

seit 2013                 

Professor für Internationale Politische Theorie sowie Professor für Philosophie (kooptiert) am Exzellenzcluster "Normative Ordnungen" der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main.

2002 - 2013  

San Diego State University, Gründungsdirektor am Institut für "Ethics and Public Affairs", Associate Professor der Philosophie 2002-2007, Professor 2007.

1996 - 2002

University of the Witwatersrand, Lecturer in Philosophy 1996-97, tenured early 1997, Senior Lecturer 1997-2001, Associate Professor 2001-2002.

1991 - 1995

California State Polytechnic University, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, tenure-track.

1988 - 1991

Riverside Community College, Lecturer in Philosophy, tenured 1991.


1998-1999 Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California, Berkeley
1990 PhD, Philosophie, Claremont Graduate School
Dissertation: Hegel's Philosophy of Subjective Spirit
Doktorvater: A.R. Louch
1987-88 Doktorand Philosophie (Austausch), Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Heidelberg
1985 MA, Philosophie, Claremont Graduate School
1983 BA, Liberal Arts, St. John's College


Mitgliedschaften und akademische Tätigkeiten

2021 Keynote Address Conference of the Centre for the Study of Global Ethics, University of Birmingham.
2020 Keynote Address, 5th Internaitonal PPE Conference Universität Witten/Herdecke.
2020-2023 Distinguished Visiting Professor, University of Johannesburg.
2018 Keynote Address, 9th Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy
2015 Keynote Address, International Society of Environmental Ethics, Kiel.
2015 Keynote Address, Workshop on the Ethics and Economics of Climate
Change, University of Graz
2014 Keynote Address, The Ethics of Poverty Alleviation, Universität Salzburg
2012-2013 Senior Fellow Justitia Amplificata and Forschungskolleg, Goethe-
Universität Frankfurt.
2011 Visiting Fellow, Justitia Amplificata and Forschungskolleg, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
2011 Visiting Research Professor, Institut für Interkulterelle und Internationale Studien, Universität Bremen.
2010 Visiting Fellow, Justitia Amplificata and Forschungskolleg, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt.
2010 Gastprofessor, Institut für Interkulterelle und Internationale Studien, Universität Bremen.
2010 Keynote Address, 3rd International Global Ethics Conference at the University of West England.
2010 - Steering Committee Member, Center for Ethics and Global Politics, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli, Rome.
2010 Keynote Speaker, 7th Annual Intermountain West Student Philosophy Conference at the University of Utah.
2009 “Treaty Norms and Climate Change Mitigation," Ethics and International Affairs, 23:3, most down-loaded paper of the year for the journal.
2009 Visiting Research Professor  Institut für Interkulterelle und Internationale Studien, Universität Bremen.
2008 - 2009 Membership, Institute for Advanced Study (Princeton), School of Social Sciences.
2008 Visiting Research Professor Institut für Interkulterelle und Internationale Studien, Universität Bremen.
2008 Research Fellowship, Deutscher Akademischer Austauch Dienst.
2007 Outstanding Faculty Award, College of Arts and Letters, San Diego State University.
2006 Visiting Research Professor, Philosophy Department, Rhodes University, South Africa.
2004 Visiting Scholar Philosophy Department, Visiting Scholar, University of Maine.
1994 Fellowship, NEH Summer Seminar: The Philosophical Foundations of Political Self-determination.


Auszeichnungen und Stipendien  

2011 Johnson Critical Thinking Grant, College of Arts and Letters, SDSU.
2008 - 2009 Friends of the Institute for Advanced Study.
2003 James Hervey Johnson Charitable Educational Trust.
1998 Anderson Capellie Grant for sabbatical leave, University of the Witwatersrand.
1987 - 1988 Rotary International travel fellowship for study at Ruprecht-Karls Universität, Heidelberg, Germany.
1983 - 1985

Claremont Graduate School graduate student fellowships.


2010 -  Editorial advisory board, Ethics and International Affairs.
2004 - 2006      Book series editor: “Global Justice” Springer Press. Co-edited with Thomas Pogge.
2005 Guest editor, Journal of Ethics 9, special issue on global justice, co-edited with Gillian Brock.
2004 Guest editor, Developing World Bio-ethics 4:1, special issue on resource distribution, co-edited with Michael Selgelid.
2004 - 2008 Editorial board, International Political Theory: Beacon (on-line journal).
2003 - 2008 Editorial board, International Ethics and Politics.
2002 - 2008 Editorial board, Developing World Bio-ethics.
1998 - 2000 Editorial boardPhilosophical Papers.


  • American Philosophical Association
  • American Political Science Association
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie
  • Deutsche Vereinigung für Politische Wissenschaft
  • Human Development and Capabilities Association
  • International Studies Association
  • Philosophical Society of Southern Africa