
In meiner neuen Arbeit in diesem Bereich vertrete ich eine hoffnungsvolle Vision der Möglichkeiten des Anthropozäns, die egalitär, wohlhabend, nachhaltig und kooperativ ist. Die Produktionskapazität der industriellen Revolution setzt ein enormes Potenzial für die Verwirklichung dieser Werte frei, droht aber auch die natürlichen Grundlagen zu untergraben, die den Fortschritt ermöglichen. Eine hoffnungsvolle, ja utopische Vision des Anthropozäns besteht darin, die positiven Tendenzen der industriellen Revolution zu fördern und ihre zerstörerischen Tendenzen zu kontrollieren.


The global climate crisis and other pressures on planetary ecology cause profound anxieties for humanity. Climate change threatens to trap hundreds of millions of people in dire poverty-widening the gap in an already deeply divided economy. However, a new generation of activists is offering inspiration, raising hopes in a seemingly hopeless situation.

In Mobilizing Hope: Climate Change and Global Poverty, Darrel Moellendorf discusses climate change, global poverty, justice, and the importance of political responses, both internationally and domestically, that offer hope. While there are reasons to worry that the era of pervasive human planetary impact, the Anthropocene, could produce terrible global injustices and massive environmental destruction, that need not be so. Moellendorf contends that the work of bringing about a world united in creating sustainable solutions to environmental crises, that values the Earth's natural wonders, and actualizes a vision of economic justice, is the work of mobilizing hope.

Artikel, Kapitel und Rezensionen

“Three Interpretations of the Anthropocene: Hope and Anxiety at the End of Nature" Ethics, Politics, and Society, 3, 2020.

Hope for Material Progress in the Age of the Anthropocene" in Claudia Blöser and Titus Stahl, eds. The Moral Psychology of Hope (London and New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).  

“Progress, Destruction, and the Anthropocene", Social Philosophy and Policy, 34:2, 2017, 66-88.