Dr. Katarina Pitasse Fragoso

Postdoctoral Fellow
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Fachbereich Gesellschaftswissenschaften
Institut für Politikwissenschaft 

Haus "Normative Ordnungen"
Max-Horkheimer-Straße 2, Raum 3.14
Karte des Campus Westend

E-Mail: katarina.fragoso@gmail.com 


Ich bin Humboldt-Postdoc-Stipendiatin am Lehrstuhl für Internationale Politische Theorie und Philosophie (Normative Ordnungen) der Goethe-Universität Frankfurt. Meine Forschung im Bereich der normativen Theorie konzentriert sich hauptsächlich auf relationale Ungleichheiten, Armut und Unterdrückung. Gegenwärtig liegen meine Arbeitsschwerpunkte in der angewandten Philosophie (insbesondere öffentliche Politik und partizipative lokale Verwaltung) und in der zeitgenössischen politischen Philosophie (insbesondere Beiträge zu Segregation und Gentrifizierung). 



seit 2022    Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellow -  Normative Ordnungen, Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main       
2019 - 2022 Center for Metropolitan Studies, São Paulo University 

2012 - 2014Law School, Fundação Getúlio Vargas

Position als Gastwissenschaftlerin

2018       Gastwissenschaftlerin, Blavatnik School of Government, Oxford University


2019               PhD in Philosophy (Political and Moral), 2019, Catholic University of Louvain                                                      

2014MA in Philosophy, 2014, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

2012BA in Philosophy, 2012, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

2011BA in Law, 2011, Fluminense Federal University

Publikationen & Preise

Journal articles

2024 Poverty as capability deprivation: considering the relational approach, group-based analysis, and socio-structural lens. European Journal of Social Theory (Forthcoming) 

2022. 'Telling a story in a deliberation: addressing epistemic injustice and the exclusion of indigenous groups in public decision-making', Journal of Global Ethics.

2021. 'On the need for political integration in cities', Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy.

2021. 'In-cash Transfers: from Passive to Empowered Beneficiaries in the Global South', Social Policy and Society

Book chapters

2023. (with Marie-Pier Lemay). “Philosophy, poverty, and inequality: normative and applied reflections". In: Handbook Philosophy and Poverty, eds, Schweiger and Sedmak.  Routledge

2021. (with Nicolás Brando) “Assessing the Impact of School Closures on Children through a Vulnerability Lens". In: Pandemic Philosophy: The Ethics of COVID-19, eds, Niker and Bhattacharya, Bloomsbury.

2020. (with Nicolás Brando) “Capability Deprivation and the Relational Dimension of Poverty: Testing Universal Multidimensional Indexes" in: Dimensions of Poverty, eds. Valentin Beck and Robert Lepenies, Springer.

2020. (with Pedro Lippmann) “Relational Poverty, Domination and Social Esteem: Recognising the Poor's Agency via a Deliberative Approach to Anti-Poverty Policies" in Recognition and Poverty, eds Schweiger, Springer

2019. “Children in Measurements of Poverty within Populations: Two Problems with Current

Indexes" in: Family and Poverty, eds. Schweiger and Brando. Springer 

     Weitere Veröffentlichungen

      2017.  'Les programmes conditionnels de lutte contre la pauvreté sont-ils justes?'  Revue Quart Mond

2017. The Equal Society: Essays on Equality in Theory and Practice. Sous l'organisation de George   Hull. London : Lexington books, 2015. Pp. vii + 354. ISBN 978-1-4985-1571-9. Revue philosophique de Louvain


2024 wurde mir das Johanna Quandt Young Academy Fellowship für herausragende Forschung in der Politischen Philosophie verliehen.


Cities and Injustices: Normative Theory and Practice (2023/2024)

"Urban Injustices: normative ideas and practices", at São Paulo University, Brazil  (2021)

"Political Philosophy and feminism", at São Paulo University, Brazil (2020)

Öffentliches Engagement

Author for Justice Everywhere Blog: www.justice-everywhere.org