
Interpreting the Anthropocene: Hope and Anxiety at the End of Nature


27-28 June 2019

The Anthropocene is the era of pervasive human impact on the planet. Atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations that exceed Holocene peak levels, techno-fossils frozen in Greenland ice sheets, and massive species extinction are all indications of planetary boundaries that have come under stress due to human industrial, commercial, and agricultural activity. Humanity’s relationship to its environment is changing. Lagging behind that change is serious reflection on how best to understand and direct it.

Goethe University Frankfurt
"Normative Ordnungen", 5.01
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Organized by Prof. Dr. Darrel Moellendorf (Chair for International Political Theory and Philosophy at Goethe University, Cluster of Excellence "The Formation of Normative Orders")

G.A. Cohen’s Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence 40 Years On


25. und 26. Oktober 2018

Gebäude „Normative Ordnungen“, EG 01
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
Campus Westend

Um Anmeldung wird gebeten an

This conference will revisit G.A. Cohen’s Karl Marx’s Theory of History: A Defence on the occasion of its 40th year. It is organized by Prof. Darrel Moellendorf (Frankfurt) and Prof. Nicholas Vrousalis (Leiden) and hosted and supported by the Excellence Cluster Normative Orders at Goethe University Frankfurt.

KMTH combines analytic rigor with a commitment to understanding the dynamic of historical transition from one social form to another. It was the founding book of a philosophical current that came to be called “Analytic Marxism,” and which brought Marxist theory to the discipline of analytic philosophy. The current was influential across left-leaning Economics, Philosophy and Political Science for more than two decades, from the early 1980s to the early 2000s.

The conference will offer an opportunity for critical reflection on KMTH’s arguments, import, and legacy. It will also engage critically with the moment that was analytical Marxism. Our hope is that critical engagement with KMTH will serve to further develop analytic critical social theory.

New Directions in The Philosophy of Hope

International Conference

21-22 June, 2018

Goethe University, Campus Westend
Normative Orders, Room 5.01

The Morality and Policy of Negative Emissions for Climate Change Mitigation

17th May 2018, 11.00am - 6.00pm and 18th May 2018, 10.15am - 4.00pm

The international community has committed itself to limiting global warming to well below 2ᴼC, possibly as low as 1.5ᴼC. But the vast majority of the scenarios that forecast how that might be done require the use of carbon dioxide removal technology. That technology has not yet been developed to a sufficient extent, and there might be bio-physical and economic limits to deployment on the scale forecasted. Alternatives would seem to include only 1) very deep emissions reductions, perhaps requiring economic austerity, risking global recession, and constraining poverty eradication projects in the developing world, 2) exceeding the 2ᴼC warming limit, or 3) the use of solar radiation management, which also remains underdeveloped. Should limiting warming to well below 2ᴼC with the aid of carbon dioxide removal technology be the primary focus of mitigation policy or should policy be redirected towards one of the alternatives? How should trade-offs be evaluated? What moral considerations should guide decision-making?

Hörsaal im Arthur-von-Weinberg-Haus
Robert-Meyer-Straße 2
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Political Theory and Global Climate Action: Recasting the Public Sphere

Workshop on Idil Boran's Book Manuscript

14 May 2018, 9.30am - 6.30pm

In the last two decades, there has been growing interest in looking at global climate change from the lens of global political theory. Most of the debate in this field revolves around allocating rights and responsibilities with regard to climate change across a map of global politics based on the state-system. This book presents a different picture of the landscape. While the role of the states is acknowledged, the book turns its attention to the evolving interrelations between non-state actors and the intergovernmental process in the implementation phase of the Paris Agreement. In so doing, the book seeks to open a window into an intricate fabric of a global life of climate action. By bringing a multiplicity of actors below and above the state into the field of vision, the book challenges underlying assumptions about global politics regarding climate change endemic to contemporary political theory. Harnessing the resources of recent work on global studies and transnational governance, its aim is to take a step forward toward recasting the public sphere at the conjuncture of a changing global polity. This shift in framework provides an angle to better see new risks and dilemmas, as well as new questions of equity, legitimacy, and political debate, arising in this domain.

Advance registration is required for attendance. For more information or to register, please contact Ellen Nieß ( or Brian Milstein (

Unstable Integration Deals: German Policies of coping with the refugee crisis

Lecture as Part of the Conference "Workers of the Wolrd. Labour, Migration, & Solidarity"

10 July 2017, 18.00-19.30 h

Claus Offe

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", EG 01
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Registration required:

Organized by the Chair of International Political Theory, Cluster of Excellence "The Formation of Normative Orders"

Conceptualizing the term “integration” as a deal, we set out to define a scale on which all refugees⸗ related policy tools can be located. It is demonstrated that most of these tools are employed in order to circumvent and avoid the chal-lenge of integration rather than effec-tively coping with it.

Workers of the World. Labour, Migration, & Solidarity


10-11 July 2017

Convenor: Eszter Kollár (Goethe University Frankfurt)

Organized by the Chair of International Political Theory

Registration required:

Goethe-University Frankfurt, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", 501
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2
Frankfurt am Main

Challenging – and maybe transcending – Capitalism through Real Utopias


Erik Olin Wright

15th May 2017, 6-7.30pm

Eszter Kollár (Cluster of Excellence "The Formation of Normative Orders")

Thomas Biebricher (Goethe-University Frankfurt)
Nicholas Vrousalis (Universiteit Leiden)

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", EG 01
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Please register in advance:

Erik Olin Wright’s Envisioning Real Utopias will be published in German, Reale Utopien - Wege aus dem Kapitalismus, by Suhrkamp in May 2017.

While capitalism has become more destructive both to the lives of people and the health of the environment, it seems to most people an unalterable force of nature. Social democratic hopes of taming capitalism by neutralizing its harmful effects through decisive state regulations have been undermined by the globalization and financialization of capital. Revolutionary ambitions of smashing capitalism through a ruptural seizure of state power, a coercive dissolution of capitalist institutions and their replacement by an emancipatory alternative, lack credibility. Are these the only logics of transformation? There may be a different route that points beyond capitalism: eroding capitalism by revitalizing the state’s capacity to democratically subordinate the market from above, by strengthening initiatives from below to build emancipatory alternatives in the spaces and cracks within capitalist economies where this is possible, and by struggling politically to defend and expand such spaces. These are central aspirations of constructing real utopias.

Workshop on Simon Caney’s manuscript On Cosmopolitanism: Equality, Ecology, and the Transition to a Fairer World Part II: Egalitarianism and Resistance

Book Workshop with Simon Caney - Part II (Frankfurr)

27. Januar 2017, 9.30am-6.40pm

This will be the second of two workshops being held on Caney’s manuscript. The first was held on the 20th of January at the University of Birmingham Centre for the Study of Global Ethics, where participants focused on Caney’s theory of environmental justice. In this workshop, we will be looking closely at the right to resist global injustice. Caney’s egalitarian conception of global justice is a theme of both workshops.

Please register in advance:

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", 501
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Arguing for Equality 2nd ed.

`Author meets Critics’ workshop with John Baker

19-20 December 2016

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", 501
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Convenors: Darrel Moellendorf and Eszter Kollár

Participation is free and open to all. Registration is necessary and available until room capacity. Please, register with

Author meets critics” workshop on the manuscript of the 2nd ed. of John Baker’s 1987 book Arguing for Equality. It discusses the justification for, and political implications of, valuing social, political, and economic equality.  Arguing for Equality is a philosophically informed book written for activists and citizens interested in public political life. The workshop aims to bring together the new generation of political theorists to critically assess the main ideas of the book and to discuss the prospects for the idea of equality in our times.

Normative Perspectives on Labour Immigration

Frankfurt - Ottawa Workshop

6 June 2016, 9am-6.15pm

Christian Barry (ANU)
Patti Tamara Lenard (University of Ottawa)
Eszter Kollár (GU Frankfurt)
Paul Bou-Habib (University of Essex)
Dimitrios Efthymiou (GU Frankfurt)
Oliviero Angeli (TU Dresden)
Luara Ferracioli (University of Amsterdam)
David Owen (University of Southampton)
Ayelet Shachar (MPI Göttingen)

Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", Room 501
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Participation is free and open to all. Registration is necessary and available until room capacity. Please, register with


Workshop with Chris Armstrong on his book manuscript: Justice and Natural Resources: An Egalitarian Theory (forthcoming in Oxford University Press).

With: Chris Armstrong (University of Southampton), Ayelet Banai (University of Haifa), Daniel Callies (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Ian Carter (University of Pavia), Anca Gheaus (University of Sheffield), Eszter Kollár (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Darrel Moellendorf (Goethe-University Frankfurt), Merten Reglitz (Goethe-University Frankfurt).

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", 501
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Registration required:

About the book:

Natural resources are an important sources of advantage, and their fair distribution - and, in many cases, their conservation - poses formidable practical and philosophical challenges. This book provides a systematic philosophical account of natural resource justice, and illustrates some of its implications. It has three main goals. First, it offers a conceptual account of natural resources, the rights we might have over them, and the grounds and content of the special claims with which some of us might be able to make over them. Second, it defends an egalitarian approach to questions of natural resource justice, and draws out some of its implications. Third, it offers a critique of the contemporary regime of state sovereignty over resources, and sketches a set of proposals for advancing greater equality. It assesses the progressive potential of reforms to the resource trade, and global taxes on natural resources; examines the challenge of fairly sharing the oceans' resources; and addresses how we might justly distribute the burdens of conserving key resources such as rainforests, and / or leaving fossil fuels unexploited.

Call for Abstracts: Climate Ethics and Economics

This is a call for extended abstracts (500-1000 words) of papers that will be suitable for 30 min presentations.

This workshop will be a chance to discuss new work in climate ethics and economics, and especially their intersection. The workshop will be held at Goethe-University in Frankfurt, Germany on March 3rd and 4th, 2016. A parallel workshop will be held at Duke University on the same days, which we plan to link with via videoconferencing for a section of the workshop. Those closer to Durham should submit their blinded abstracts to the Duke workshop using this link.

A non-exhaustive list of potential topics follows:

  • The ethical aspects of discounting future costs and benefits, including declining discount rates.
  • Valuation of non-human nature, the continued existence of human civilization, or futures containing very different amounts of people in the context of climate change economics
  • The relationship of, and compatibility between, non-consequentialist ethical approaches and economic analyses of climate change.
  • The appropriate role of integrated assessment models (IAMs) and economic analysis generally in setting climate change policy.

Please submit blinded abstracts to by December 1. When submitting, please be aware we aim to have pre-circulation of papers by Feb 15.

Feel free to circulate this call.

Conference: Overshooting 2°C - Moral and Policy Considerations

Symposium: Debating Brain Drain - May Governments Restrict Emigration?

Symposium with Gillian Brock and Michael Blake on their new book: Debating Brain Drain: May Governments Restrict Emigration? (OUP 2015)

With Michael Blake (Washington), Gillian Brock (Auckland), Daniel Callies (Frankfurt am Main), Eszter Kollar (Frankfurt am Main), Darrel Moellendorf (Frankfurt am Main), Merten Reglitz (Frankfurt am Main), Christine Straehle (Ottawa), Lea Ypi (LSE)

Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Campus Westend
Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen", 501
Max-Horkheimer-Str. 2, 60323 Frankfurt am Main

Registration required:

Vortrag "Poverty and Climate Change"


Am 8. Juni hält Prof. Moellendorf einen Vortrag zum Thema "Poverty and Climate Change". Der Vortrag findet um 18 Uhr in S2/07/167 an der TU Darmstadt statt. Die Veranstaltung ist Teil der Ringvorlesung "Global Challanges: Armut".

Workshop: Relational Ethics: An African Moral Theory

Update: Many thanks to all participants of the workshop!


Registration required:

Videovortrag: Energy Poverty and Dangerous Climate Change

Podiumsdiskussion "Klimawandel und Gerechtigkeit" am 23. Februar


Darrel Moellendorf diskutiert mit Konrad Ott (Kiel) und Hermann E. Ott (Berlin) Forschungskolleg Humanwissenschaften in Bad Homburg zum Thema "Klimawandel und Gerechtigkeit". Die Podiumsdiskussion findet in Verbindung mit einer Fotoausstellung zum Thema "Klimagerechtigkeit im Fokus von Wissenschaft und Kunst" statt. Während bei Klimaschutz oft nur an technologische Innovation gedacht wird, soll es bei diesen beiden Veranstaltungen stärker um Fragen von Gerechtigkeit gehen. Ohne mehr Gerechtigkeit wird es kein neues Klimaabkommen geben. Die Fotoausstellung zeigt Menschen weltweit, die bereits heute vom Klimawandel betroffen sind. In der Podiumsdiskussion werden Themen angesprochen wie: Steht Klimaschutz gegen das Recht auf Entwicklung? Sind staatliche Vorgaben vorzuziehen oder Freiwilligkeit? Wie ist unser Verständnis von Wohlstand? Ist Geoengineering eine Option? Kurz: Wie wollen wir ohne große Ungerechtigkeit die gravierendsten Folgen des Klimawandels abwenden?

Climate Change Book Launch

Die Professoren Darrel Moellendorf (Goethe Universität Frankfurt), Henry Shue (Oxford) und Dale Jamieson (New York University) diskutieren ihre jüngsten Veröfflichungen zum Klimawandel mit Andreas Niederberger (Goethe Universität Frankfurt) und Anja Karnein (Goethe Universität Frankfurt). 


Die Buchvorstellung findet am 26. Juni um 15 Uhr im Gebäude "Normative Ordnungen" in Raum 5.01 statt. Um Anmeldung wird gebeten. Kontaktieren Sie dazu bitte Frau Ellen Nieß.

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