Democratic Innovations Visiting Fellowship Program

Democratic Innovations Visiting Fellowship Program

Key Facts

  • Fellowship for Junior Scholars
  • No Funding Provided by the Research Unit (See e.g. the DAAD scholarship database for Funding)
  • Duration of 3-6 Months
  • Debating with Scholars of Democratic Innovations Research Unit
  • Jour-Fixe discussions of Papers on Democratic Innovations
  • Workspace at the Political Science Institute, Goethe-University
  • Access to all Goethe-University Libraries
  • Goethe-University Campus Westend with its park-like ambiance and beautiful travertine-faced buildings is one of Germany’s most attractive.
  • Situated in Frankfurt, Germany’s most cosmopolitan and international city. Frankfurt is rated among the top 10 most livable cities in the world (according to Mercer Human Resource Consulting)

Key Dates

Spring Fellowship:

  • Submission Deadline of Applications: 01. March
  • Fellowship Starting April

Fall Fellowship:

  • Submission Deadline of Applications: 01. June
  • Fellowship Starting October


Application Form (PDF)

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