The InFER Colloquium

The InFER Colloquium

The InFER-colloquium is a bi-weekly colloquium, at which faculty, postdocs and external speakers present their ongoing work.

The program for the summer term 2024 can be downloaded here.

The programs to former colloquiums can be accessed below.

Winter term 2023/2024 
Summer term 2023 
Winter term 2022/2023
Summer term 2022
Winter term 2021/2022
Summer term 2021
Winter term 2020/2021
Winter term 2019/2020
Summer term 2019
Winter term 2018/2019
Summer term 2018
Winter term 2017/2018
Summer term 2017
Winter term 2016/2017
Summer term 2016
Winter term 2015/2016
Summer term 2015