Aktuelles – Januar 2022

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cryosocieties Plakat Nicole Starosielski 2022

Gastvortrag von Nicole Starosielski (Associate Professor of Media, Culture & Communication, NYU Steinhardt)

Im Rahmen der Vorlesungsreihe am Arbeitsbereich “Biotechnologie, Natur und Gesellschaft" und des ERC-Projekts CRYOSOCIETIES laden wir zu einem Gastvortrag von Nicole Starosielski (Associate Professor of Media, Culture & Communication, NYU Steinhardt) über “Thermal Mediation: Critical Temperature Studies and the Digital Cold" am 20. Januar 2022 um 16:15 Uhr ein. In Anknüpfung an ihr neu erschienenes Buch Media Hot & Cold (Duke University Press 2021) wird Starosielski Teile einer Theorie Thermischer Mediation vorstellen, das Feld der Critical Temperature Studies skizzieren und die zunehmende Abkühlung digitaler Systeme diskutieren. 

Bei Interesse bitten wir Sie, sich bei Viona Hartmann (hartmann@soz.uni-frankfurt.de) anzumelden, um den Zoom-Link für die Veranstaltung zu erhalten.

Auszug aus der Buchankündigung:

In Media Hot and Cold Nicole Starosielski examines the cultural dimensions of temperature to theorize the ways heat and cold can be used as a means of communication, subjugation, and control. Diving into the history of thermal media, from infrared cameras to thermostats to torture sweatboxes, Starosielski explores the many meanings and messages of temperature. During the twentieth century, heat and cold were broadcast through mass thermal media. Today, digital thermal media such as bodily air conditioners offer personalized forms of thermal communication and comfort. Although these new media promise to help mitigate the uneven effects of climate change, Starosielski shows how they can operate as a form of biopower by determining who has the ability to control their own thermal environment. In this way, thermal media can enact thermal violence in ways that reinforce racialized, colonial, gendered, and sexualized hierarchies. By outlining how the control of temperature reveals power relations, Starosielski offers a framework to better understand the dramatic transformations of hot and cold media in the twenty-first century.

Veranstaltet von Thomas Lemke, Sara Lafuente-Funes, Viona Hartmann, Veit Braun, Ruzana Liburkina


Schultz, Susanne 2021: The Neo-Malthusian Reflex in Climate Politics: Technocratic, Right Wing and Feminist References, in: Australian Feminist Studies, DOI: 10.1080/08164649.2021.1995847

Schultz, Susanne 2021: Genetic Racial Profiling. Extended DNA Analyses and Entangled Processes of Discrimination, in: Science and Technology Studies (with Tino Plümecke and Isabelle Bartram), online: https://sciencetechnologystudies.journal.fi/article/view/101384/65867

Schultz, Susanne 2021:The Pandemic State of Care: Care Familialism and Care Nationalism in the COVID-19-Crisis. The Case of Germany in: Historical Social Research (with Mike Laufenberg), in: Historical Social Research 46 (4): 72-99.