Prof. Dr. Encarnación Gutiérrez-Rodríguez - Publikationen

Gesammelten Werke

Monographies and edited Books


(mit María Cárdenas Alonso and Cuso Ehrich): “Gleichstellungspolitik der Diversität Dekolonisieren – Hochschule im Spannungsverhältnis von Diversität, Rassismuskritik und Kolonialität." In Differenzkritische Perspektiven auf Fachhochschulen und Universitäten: Analysen und Interventionen, herausgegeben von Susanne Bachmann, Susanne Burren und Maritza LeBreton. Wiesbaden: Verlag Springer VS.

“Zeitlich-Räumliche Verflechtungen – Diskursiv-Materielle Verknüpfungen. Eine kritische gesellschaftstheoretische Perspektive auf globale Ungleichheit in der Sorge- und Hausarbeit in Westeuropa." In Globale Soziologie, herausgegeben von Fabio Santos and Clara Ruvituso. Wiesbaden: Springe VS.

“Translation as Decolonial Method: On the (Un-)Translatability of Human Rights Demands and the Coloniality of Migration in Refugee Protest in Germany." In Translation and Decolonisation: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, edited by Claire Chambers and Ipek Demir. London/New York: Routledge.

“Precarious Inclusion: Refugees in Higher Education in Germany." In Resisting the Dehumanization of Refugees: A Transdisciplinary Perspective, edited by Yasmeen Abu-Laban, Michael Frishkopf, Reza Hasmath and Anna Kirova. Athabasca University Press.


“Human Rights Discourse in Migration Societies. A Research Agenda“ mit Jürgen Bast, Susanne Buckley-Zistel, Michaela Hailbronner, Michael Knipper, Greta Olson, Frederik Von Harbou, Janna Wessels, Christine Wiezoreck, Darius Zifonun. DOI: 10.22029/jlupub-17813

“Migrantischer Feminismus geht weiter!' A conversation with Ayşe Tekin, Behshid Najafi and Pinar Tuczu, chaired by Onur Suzan Nobrega and Dschihan Zamani." Feministische Studien 41(2): 273-288.

“Nekropolitische Kreuzungen – Territorien der Gewalt." Eine Rezension zu Geographie der Gewalt. Macht und Gegenmacht in Lateinamerika, herausgegeben von Timo Dorsch, Jana Flörchinger, Börries Nehe (Hg.). mandelbaum verlag. Berlin 2022. Geographische Zeitschrift 111 (2-3): 186-189.

2023 Decolonial Mourning and the Caring Commons. Coloniality-Migration Necropolitics and Conviviality Infrastructure. London/New York: Anthem Press. 

2022 Dismantling Walls, Building Bridges. Creating antiracist feminist alliances within, outside, and against universities, Athens: Bridges Collective.

2022 Palgrave Handbook on Critical Race and Gender (co-edited with Shirley Anne Tate), London: Palgrave.

2021 Migrantischer Feminismus in der Frauenbewegung in Deutschland (1985-2000) (co-edited with Pinar Tuzcu), Münster: edition assemblage.

2021 Decolonial Perspectives on Entangled Inequalities. Europe and The Caribbean (co-edited with Rhoda Reddock), London/New York/Delhi: Anthem Press Series Migration and Decoloniality.

2015 Creolizing Europe. Legacies and Transformations. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press.

Ø  Open source online publication Cambridge University Press, 2017.

2010 Migration, Domestic Work, Affect – A Decolonial Perspective on Value and the Feminization of Labor. (New York/London: Routledge)

2010 Decolonizing European Sociology – Transdisciplinary Approaches, with Manuela Boatcã and Sérgio Costa. (Farnham: Ashgate)

Ø  Republished 2nd edition paperback: 2016. Decolonizing European Sociology – Transdisciplinary Approaches, with Manuela Boatcã and Sérgio Costa. (New York: Routledge).

2004 Hogares, Cuidados y Fronteras. Derechos de las Mujeres Inmigrantes y Conciliación/Homes, Caretaking, Frontiers: Immigrant Women's Rights and Conciliation, with Luzenir Caixeta, Cristina Vega Solís, Shirley Tate (Madrid: Traficantes de Sueños).

2003 Gouvernementalität. Eine sozialwissenschaftliche Debatte in Anschluß an Michel Foucault/Governmentality. A social science debate after Foucault, with Marianne Pieper. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.

2003 Spricht die Subalterne Deutsch? Postkoloniale Kritik und Migration/Does the Subaltern Speaks German? Postcolonial Critique and Migration, with Hito Steyerl. Münster: Unrast. 295 pp.

1999 Intellektuelle Migrantinnen: Subjektivitäten im Zeitalter der Globalisierung/Female Intellectual Migrants: Subjectivities in the Age of Globalization, (Opladen: Leske & Budrich)

Working Series Paper

2021 “Entangled Migrations: The Coloniality of Migration and Creolizing Conviviality", Mecila Working Paper Series, No. 35, São Paulo: The Maria Sibylla Merian International Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences Conviviality-Inequality in Latin America,

Selection of Journal Articles and Book Chapters

2022 'Migraciones entrelazadas. Colonialidad de la migración y convivialidad creolizada', in Convivialidad-Desigualdad. Explorando los nexus entre lo que nos une y lo que nos separa, edited by Mecila. Buenos Aires: CLACSO.

2022 'Rassismus, Alltagsverstand und Affekt – Ann Laura Stolers Carnal Knowlege and Imperial Power: Race and the Intimate in Colonial Rule', in Schlüsselwerke der Emotionssoziologie, edited by Veronika Zink, Rainer Schützeichel und Konstanze Senge. Wiesbaden: Springer.

2021 'Zum Verhältnis von Sichtbarkeit, Sorge und Ungleichheit in der Pandemie' (with Gabriele Dietze, Vanessa E. Thompson, Stephan Trinkaus et al., Zeitschrift für Medienwissenschaft, Band 13, Heft 24-1.

2020 'Etnicidades en disputa: nuevos caminos, nuevos desafíos' (with Andrea Silva-Tapia, Sebastian Garbe, Maria Cárdenas, Andrea Sempertegui). IBEROAMERICANA. América Latina - España - Portugal, 20(75), 207–232.

2019 'Political subjectivity, transversal mourning and a caring common: Responding to deaths in the Mediterranean', Critical African Studies 10(3): 345-360.

2018 'The Coloniality of Migration and the “Refugee Crisis": On the Asylum-Migration Nexus', the Transatlantic White European Settler Colonialism-Migration and Racial Capitalism, The Refuge. Canada's Jounal on Refugees, 34(1): 16-28.

2018 'Introduction:Feminisms in times of anti-genderism, racism and austerity' (gemeinsam mit Pinar Tuzcu und Heidemarie Winkel), Women's Studies International Forum, (on-line available/in press)

2018 'Introduction: Care Work –International perspectives and reflections'(gemeinsam mit Brigitte Aulenbacher und Brigitte Liebig), Österreichische Zeitschrift für Soziologie (ÖZS), 43: 1-5.

2016 'Sensing Dispossession: Women and Gender Studies Between Institutional Racism and Migration Control Policies in the Neoliberal University', Women's Studies International Forum, 1-11. (DOI information: 10.1016/j.wsif.2015.06.013) 

2014  with Cristina Vega (2014). Introduction: Nuevas aproximaciones a la organización social del cuidado. Debate latinoamericos. Presentación del Dossier. ICONOS. Revista de Ciencias Sociales, 50: 9-26. (Special Issue on Care in Latin America)

2014  with Jurema Brites (2014). Introduction: Domestic Work between Regulation and Intimacy. Women's Studies International Forum, 46: 1-4. (Special Issue on Domestic Work with a Focus on Europe and Latin America)

2014 'Domestic Work – Affective Labor. On Feminisation and the Coloniality of Labor', Women's Studies International Forum, 46: 45-53.

2014 'The Precarity of Feminisation: 'The Precarity of Feminisation: On Domestic Work, Heteronormativity and the Coloniality of Labour', International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, 27(2): 191-202 (Special Issue on Political Economy, Gender and Sexuality).

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