​ Sara Lafuente-Funes - Vita

Akademischer Werdegang

2017 PhD in Sociology
UCM – Universidad Complutense of Madrid
Thesis: “Reproductive Bioeconomies: On How Eggs Matter Within After-IVF Biology", Outstanding Doctorate Award

2011 - 2012 MSc Biomedicine, Bioscience and Society
LSE – London School of Economics and Political Science

2004 - 2010 Bachelor's Degree on Sociolog
UCM – Universidad Complutense of Madrid

Beruflicher Werdegang

Since 2019 Research Associate at the Social Sciences Department, Goethe University Frankfurt, Research Group: „Biotechnology, Nature and Society“

2017 - 2019 Research fellow - Institute of Public Goods and Policies, National Spanish Research Council (CSIC) IPP – Institute for Public Goods and Policies, CSIC –Spanish National Research Council
Position attached to EDNA “Egg Donation in the UK, Belgium and Spain: an interdisciplinary analysis"

2012 - 2016 Pre-doctoral research associate at the Institute of Public Goods and Policies, National Spanish Research Council (CSIC); Researchers Training Program Scholarship (FPI) from the Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness

Tätigkeit in Forschungsprojekten

2017 - 2019 EDNA Project: “Egg Donation in the UK, Belgium and Spain: an interdisciplinary analysis" PI Nicky Hudson, De Monfort University; Guido Pennings, Ghent University; Vincenzo Pavone, CSIC. Funded by the ERSC

2017 - 2019 “Feminist Epistemologies and health activism: practices, care and emerging knowledges in biomedical contexts" PI Carmen Romero Bachiller, UCM

2011 - 2015 BioARREME project “The Bioeconomy of reproduction: The mutually constitutive interaction between assisted reproduction and regenerative medicine" PI Vincenzo Pavone, CSIC

2011 - 2014 Participant in the COST action “Bio-objects and their boundaries: governing matters at the intersection of society, politics and science" PI of the Bio-objects Network: Andrew Webster


2016 Cátedra Interuniversitaria de Derecho y Genoma Humano (Deusto/UPV) – Visiting Dr. Pilar Nicolás
Fully funded Visiting Program – FPI (Researchers Training), Ministry of Economics and Competitiveness, 3 Months

2015 University of Sydney, Australia – Visiting Dr. Sonja van Wichellen, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Fully funded, FPI Visiting program, 4 Months

2014Reprosoc Department, University of Cambridge, UK – Visiting Prof. Sarah Franklin
Fully funded, FPI Visiting program, 3 Months