Politische Einstellungen und politische Partizipation

ausgewählte aktuelle Publikationen:

An Alternative to Representation: Explaining Preferences for Citizens as Political Decision-Makers, in: Political Studies Review, 2018, 17(3)  (mit Sergiu Gherghina). (Link)

Linking Democratic Preferences and Political Participation: Evidence from Germany, in: Political Studies, 2017, 65 (1S): 24-42 (mit Sergiu Gherghina). (Link)

Should participatory opportunities be a component of democratic quality? The role of citizen views in resolving a conceptual controversy, in:  International Political Science Review, 2016, Vol. 37, No. 5, S. 656-665.

Geißel, Brigitte: Kritische Bürger - Gefahr oder Ressource für die Demokratie?, Campus, 2011. (Link)

Reflections and Findings on the Critical Citizen. Civic Education - What For?, in: European Journal of Political Research, Vol. 47, Issue 1, January 2008, p. 34-63. (Link)