

Nov 26 2021

Julian Garritzmann für Stein Rokkan Preis 2021 nominiert

Julian Garritzmanns jüngstes Buch A Loud but Noisy Signal? Public Opinion and the Politics of Education Reform in Western Europe (Cambridge University Press, mit Marius Busemeyer and Erik Neimanns) kam in die engere Wahl für den ECPR's Stein Rokkan Preis.

Busemeyer, Marius R./ Garritzmann, Julian L./ Neimanns, Erik (2020): A Loud but Noisy Signal? Public Opinion and Education Reform in Western Europe. Cambridge University Press.     
A Loud but Noisy Signal? Public Opinion and Education Reform in Western Europe

Marius R. Busemeyer, Julian L. Garritzmann, and Erik Neimanns

„A Loud But Noisy Signal?" studies the influence of public opinion on the contemporary politics of education reform in Western Europe. The authors analyze new data from a survey of public opinion on education policy across eight countries, and they also provide detailed case studies of reform processes based on interviews with policy-makers and stakeholders. The book's core finding is that public opinion has the greatest influence in a world of 'loud' politics, when salience is high and attitudes are coherent. In contrast, when issues are salient but attitudes are conflicting, the signal of public opinion turns 'loud, but noisy' and party politics have a stronger influence on policy-making. In the case of 'quiet' politics, when issue salience is low, interest groups are dominant. This book is required reading for anyone seeking to make sense of policy-makers' selective responsiveness to public demands and concerns.

Der jährliche Stein Rokkan Preis für Comparative Social Science Research wird gestiftet vom International Science Council (ISC), der Universität von Bergen und dem ECPR und ist mit $5,000 dotiert. Der Preis ist ausgelobt für Arbeiten in Comparative Studies in allen sozialwissenschaftlichen Disziplinen. Er wird verliehen an eine Einreichung, die von der Jury als substanzieller und origineller Beitrag zu Comparative Social Science Research erachtet wird.



Geschäftsführender Direktor:
Prof. Dr. Andreas Nölke

Institut für Politikwissenschaft
PEG Gebäude - Theodor-W.-Adorno-Platz 6

Raum 3.G 186
60323 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 69 798-36500


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